Cell Cycle Pie Chart
Cell Cycle Pie Chart. Once you have it correct draw and label the pie chart in the circle below. During interphase, the cell grows and DNA is replicated.
Observe the changes in the pie chart as they enter new values. Cell cycle durations reflect minimal doubling times under ideal conditions. (Adapted from "The Cell Cycle - Principles of Control" by David Morgan.) - chromosomes condense joined by centromere - nuclear membrane & nucleolus dissolves - centrioles move to opposite ends (animal cell) - spindle fibres form and attach to centromere - spindle fibres line up chromosomes single file on the equatorial plane (middle) - fibres pull apart the sister chromatids - chromosomes move to opposite sides of … Cell Cycle zDuring this part of the cell cycle, DNA must be replicated zUsing the materials from the supply bag, make exact copies of each of your DNA strands. The cell cycle proper is split into: Growth Phase, where normal cellular processes take place and the cell grows to full size.
If a root was exposed to lectin the observed cell cycle would slow due to the lectin being from fungus which means it is mutated.
Once you have it correct draw and label the pie chart in the circle below.
They will scroll over each stage and record the description of what is taking place in each phase of the cell cycle in a chart. Based. pie chart adjust as you enter your numbers. iPad Tip: To modify the spreadsheet, double-tap on the appropriate cell and enter the value. The doughnut chart shows a circular, unfilled area in the middle of the chart.
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